Here are a collection of notes, emails, verses or songs that God has used to heal my heart this past year. HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY EDEN LANAY!
Sunday, July 3, 2011 (Eden's 2nd Birthday)
I received this text message from Mitch: Hi. Just a quick message to let you and John know I'm thinking of you guys today. Love to both of you.
Sunday, July 3, 2011 (Eden's 2nd Birthday)
An Birthday Blessing E-card from Nora: If there are rabbits in Heaven, that's what I would picture Eden doing, and in a beautiful garden just like that, and I'm sure more beautiful than that. May the blessing of knowing who the Lord is and how Merciful and Loving He is bring comfort to you today in knowing that Eden's birthday celebration is causing a big uproar in Heaven and a huge party celebration with the Son shining bright in her heart, and her brother or sister standing right beside her, gobbling up all that "Heavenly buttercream cake" sitting on the lap of her daddy (Abba). To God be all the glory and praise for this great celebration. Happy and most Blessed Birthday, Eden!
Sunday, July 3, 2011 (Eden's 2nd Birthday)
I posted this on FaceBook: We miss you Eden Lanay! I wish we could celebrate your 2nd birthday together with you. Until we hold you in our arms again baby girl, mama and papa love you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
These were the comments from a few friends who read it:
Your strength is amazing, even with the Lord's help, I would never be half the woman you are.
Happy Birthday little Angel!!
So excited to see her little face in heaven! Praying for you guys, can't wait to see you again soon!
Happy birthday Eden. Love to you & John. Xx
Love you guys- Happy Birthday Eden. I debut my talk which includes some of your story in 2 weeks. I know it will touch many.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
An email from Kelly: anyways i am going to be looking after her daughter until she gets out of hospital.... when i held her when she was sobbing i just pictured being able to hold you through your tears, ohhh i miss Eden sooo MUCH i know i didn't get to know her the way you did but i LOVE her so much for everything she has done in you and in so many lives that she touches when i talk about her it's hard trying to talk about someone you love so much cause it makes it feel like she is right here and alive with us but then hurts so much more knowing we have to wait for the moment when we can hug her
Friday, May 13, 2011
A FB message from my brother-in-law Chris: Tina, I was thinking about you and John this morning and all that you have been through and the strong testimony you have shared. I decided I had not worn pink for way too long and today would be a good day to "wear and share." Have a great day!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A FB message from my friend Lisa Fitzwater: I have to tell you something Jordan said to me today. We were driving home from the farm where we get raw milk and out of the blue, she says "I can't wait to get to heaven and hold baby Eden. She's just sooo cute!" I said "well, you'll probably have to fight her mommy to hold her - she's probably going to be holding her all the time, but she might share and let you hold her."
Monday, May 9, 2011
A text from Pam de Pomeroy: To a very special mommy who has loved 2 daughters without seeing them in full, and by faith receives the things promised, Happy Mother's Day. Ur heart inspires me 2 walk by what is Unseen. Thanks my friend.
Sunday, May 8, 2011 - Mother's Day
My sister Linda sent me a FB message: Tina, I just wanted to let you know I would be thinking of you on Mother's Day. I can't imagine your pain, but I just wanted you to know that I love you and I will be praying for you my sweet sister. Hugs! Linda
Sunday, May 8, 2011 - Mother's Day
Rachelle Starr sent me flowers and wrote this on the card: Saw this arrangement, it's called "Eden," had to get it for you. Love you Tina and John. Love from Rachelle. xoxo
Sunday, May 8, 2011 - Mother's Day
Written on a card from Jonathon: Mutti, I love to have Mother's Day to remember how much more I fell in love with you during your pregnancy with Eden and Selah. Your giving heart and love abounded even more than I thought possible. I pray God gives me another chance to witness this, but either way, I want you to know, you were and are a special mother, my beautiful Mutti!
Tuesday, February 14, 2011
From a Daily Spiritual Vitamin email: I seriously doubt if we will ever understand our trials and adversities until we are safely in heaven. Then when we look back, we are going to be absolutely amazed at how God took care of us and blessed us even in the storms of life. But God is with us in the good times also, and we should thank Him for them and commit them to Him just as surely as we do the hard times.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Romans 8:38-39 which we studied at Bible study tonight: For I am persuaded that NEITHER DEATH NOR LIFE, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other crated thing, SHALL BE ABLE TO SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD which is in Christ Jesus.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Excerpt from an email written by a very dear friend:
I see you as so incredibly strong to have taken the stand you did on Eden's life. I'm so proud to be able to say I know you, even if it is entirely online. I'm pretty sure I was in class with your husband when you found out Eden wouldn't make it. That was right around the time I miscarried. I prayed so hard for you family and was so proud of the decision you made. Your decision made my baby a real, living child. I hope that makes sense. You chose life because your baby was alive. That meant mine was, too. That meant it was okay to mourn, that the doctors and so many others were wrong. I wish I could give you something more uplifting and encouraging for what you went through with Eden but I can really only understand your loss of Selah. I will continue to pray for your family. You've already been such a blessing in my life.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
We were studying 2 Kings chapter 4 tonight. The young son of the woman from Shunem dies. She does not tell anyone what happened but immediately flees to see Elisha, the Man of God, for a miracle for her son. God does not reveal to Elisha why she is coming, but he does see this: Now when she came to the man of God at the hill, she caught him by the feet, but Gehazi came near to push her away. But the man of God said, "Let her alone; for her soul is in deep distress, and the LORD has hidden it from me, and has not told me." If you have never lost a child, you can't possibly imagine the depth of the soul's distress.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I was attending the Ladies Retreat entitled "Moments with the Master" in Narrabeen today. An elderly woman by the name of Marilyn who attends Calvary Chapel Sydney came up to me. She said she had wanted to tell me something for a long time but wasn't sure how I would take it. She said, "The only time I have ever felt the presence of Jesus is when I was looking at a photo of Eden. I felt the peace of God." I was stunned and with watering eyes, thanked her for telling me. That brought me so much comfort.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Jonathon and I were at Spotlight today. I told the cashier that her perfume smelled beautifully. She said, "It's called Eden by Cacharel." I had purchased this perfume after spotting it on a counter at the airport in Istanbul, Turkey. My throat constricted and and tears welled up in my eyes, but I am so thankful that God reminded me again that He's watching over my baby girl.
August 5, 2010
>From the book "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore
Prayer matters. The Spirit of God released through our prayers and the prayers of others turns cowards into conquerors, chaos into calm, cries into comfort. - pg 73
In heaven there will be a wonderful reunion. You will see your family and friends, all of those who have gone on to be with Jesus when they died. The Bible tells about a future time when believers in Christ (those in heaven and those still on earth) will all join together in the presence of the Lord. "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). Lord, I am thrilled to know that good-byes on earth will soon be hellos again.
Could it be that my purpose for now is to grieve? Grieving isn't easy and even though it's a natural part of life, it doesn't feel natural. It has required stillness and quiet, which is not simple to come by in my world. It's also required an understanding that my feelings are acceptable and it is okay to not have a clearly defined, tangible purpose for this season – other than grieving. I had to give myself permission to grieve and trust that through this God's will for me will prevail.... So for now, I grieve. The way I grieve may change daily, but one thing will not change: I am blessed,
July 22, 2010
An email from Kelly
She has taught me to trust God in all circumstances and to know i can never understand cause i am not in control He is, she has taught me to search for God harder and to pray to lengths i didn't know i could, so many times i have questioned WHY but we just have to say LOOK at all the blessing that has come out of Eden how many more will be lead to god through watching your family how MUCH she has changed you and Johnathan Tina i could never explain the difference in you, .... i can't wait until we go to heaven and meet your precious ones and God can explain to you how much your family has and continues to move me.
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